Save Wokingham Borough litterbins

Black bags have appeared covering litter bins across the Borough. More than a hundred bins are slated for removal and the Lib Dem Executive member has announced that remaining bins will be emptied less frequently. Already, waste is piling up around overflowing bins.

Conservatives have challenged the decision-making process and Council officers have agreed that changes will be put on hold until the decision is considered at the Borough Executive meeting. This gives us all an opportunity to make our views known.

Litter bins are important.

None of us wants litter piling up around the streets. footpaths and children's play areas. We don't want to see dog poo bags abandoned in hedgerows. Discarded plastics, cans and bottles can injure wildlife. Bins are important to ensure our children are brought up to dispose of their litter properly and they need to be emptied regularly. 

If you want Wokingham Borough Council to keep its network of litter bins and empty them frequently, please support our campaign and sign our petition…


Please also complete the consultation ( launched 14 August) Project • Proposed changes to street cleaning and grounds... (

WBC say they will take amended proposals and the findings from the consultation to the council's Community and Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 2 October for consideration.

A final decision will be made by the Executive Committee ( all Lib Dem lead members) on 26 October.



Lib dems avoid litter bin debate again

Lib dems talked out Norman Jorgensen's motion on litter bins for a second time tonight at Wokingham Borough Full council. They obviously are not interested in residents views or doing the right thing.

They cant escape a discussion forever....

Talking to residents in Maiden Erlegh

Pauline and local Conservative Councillors were out in Maiden Erlegh today, we missed most of the rain and had a good chat with many Maiden Erlegh in the middle of chasing up issues they raised, namely:

- obstructed pavements

Shinfield residents concerned about school provision

We were out talking to residents in Shinfield on Thursday. we met quite a few people who knew Pauline having previously lived in Earley or having been members of Earley Residents Discussion board on Facebook.