Our Plan for the new earley and Woodley constituency

Resisting unsustainable development

As a local councillor, I understand the pressure development can put on existing infrastructure, roads and schools. I will continue to campaign against excessive development and oppose development in the green belt and countryside.


Cracking down on crime

This Conservative Government has recruited an extra 784 police for Thames Valley. I'm working with Matthew Barber PCC to ensure residents priorities are top of the agenda when it comes to tackling crime.


Tackling local NHS waiting lists

Our GP, hospital and dentistry waiting lists need to be improved. I'm speaking to local providers, hospital support groups and the health authority to find out what more we can do, so you and your family can access world class healthcare when they need it most.


Top quality education

Since 2019 we have increased education funding and commissioned two new SEND schools. I will ensure schools in our area have the resources and support they need, for our children and grandchildren. I am also helping local charities support families with children.


Higher quality services

I am determined to ensure your money is put to good use. That's why I am putting pressure on our councils to deliver better value for money in the services they offer. So you can keep more of your hard-earned money. 


Supporting employment

I know how important job security is to families. I will  work with local businesses, aspiring entrepreneurs and the government to make sure barriers to working or running your own business are removed.


Meeting with the Prime Minister - Rishi Sunak

As Conservative group leader at Wokingham Borough Council, Pauline was invited to 10 Downing Street to Meet Rishi Sunak. This gave her the chance to talk to him about some of the issues facing Earley and Woodley Constituency and things the government can do to help.